Jorns Heavy Gauge Double
Folding Machine
We are very excited to share with you what’s happening in November 2020. The Purlin Mill has two new pieces of equipment on order and scheduled for installation at our Hubbard facility this November. The first machine is a Jorns Heavy Gauge Double Folding Machine capable of forming 40’ length materials.
This will be the 1st machine in North America with its capabilities. The Purlin Mill is proud to be the first company in the U.S. to offer its customers exclusive bent metal products. Our bending capabilities will be 49” Max. throat depth, 40’ Max. bending length, 30 gauge to 11 gauge Max. Steel, 4.0 mm. Max. Aluminum, 2.00 mm. Max. Stainless Steel. This machine makes very clean and accurate bends. It can make diagonal bends, ½ round bends, tapered ends for a tight fit, open or closed hems and much more. This Folding Machine can form all profiles of metal building trim and flashing. It can form 40’ Architectural gutter with tapered ends or concealed fastener wall panels in standard or custom profiles up to 40’ length. We will have the capabilities to form standard or custom column covers, tapered roof panels and heavy gauge structural shapes up to 40’ lengths. The number of products this machine can form is endless. We thank our customers for their support of The Purlin Mill and the new products we will soon be offering.

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Schlebach MASTERCUT slitting system
The second piece of equipment is a New Cut to Length Line with a Straightener, Slitter and Strippable Film Applicator. This machine will allow us to level, cut to length and slit flat sheet with or without strippable film up to 40’ lengths. The cutting capacity of this line is: 20,000 Lb. Max. coil weight, 49.5” Max. coil width, 29 gauge to 14 gauge Steel, 2.00 mm. Aluminum, 16 gauge Stainless Steel, Copper and Titanium Zinc..
This machine runs Quality, Flattened and straightened Flat Sheets. This piece of equipment will allow us to provide flat sheets, cut to length, and slit to width for our valued customers. It will also provide some of the flat sheet to be formed on the Jorns Double Folding Machine. Both of these new pieces of equipment are using state of the art technology to provide our customers with the best products and service available today.